Monday, February 14, 2011

"They're selling popcorn outside, and it's free!!!!"

On Saturday, we celebrated both Emery and Lily's birthdays.  We celebrated Emery is turning 4 on the 15th and Lily turned 2 on the 9th.  It was so much fun.  My favorite quote of the day came out of the mouth of Karlie Protivinsky.  She said "Hey guys! They're selling popcorn outside, and its FREE!" 

It was definitely the best birthday party we have had, yet.  The weather was perfect, I think it nearly reached up to 70 degrees. I think everyone had a great time. My good friend Jen, Karlie's mom, came out with all 5 of her children.  You may be thinking, so...what? A lot of people have 5 children.  Well, she just had triplets about three months ago, Luke, Elijah and Abram. And, all three of them just recently came home, one at a time. I am so proud of her! I was so happy to see them all, healthy, cute and happy. 

The day even got better when my Kyla informed me that she wants a birthday party just like this for her next birthday! I guess mommy did good.  It was a circus theme with a clown, bounce house and popcorn. We had a lot of fun. Enjoy the pics of my growing girls! SNIFF,  SNIFF....