Saturday, October 8, 2011

Shop closed for a few weeks

I have to say that I am very happy with my progres. So far, I have sold a total of 4 items and I am working on my last two orders. Not so shabby for a beginner entrepreneur! It's not a lot, but it's more than I had expected to accomplish. My little shop here on my blog will be closed for a few weeks. I am finishing up my last 2 orders and then I need to start working on my family's Christmas gifts. When I complete those projects I will be ready for business, once again, for the "made when ordered" items. If you would like for me to remember you, and you want to place a "ready when you are order" you can leave me a comment below and I'll personally get back to you when I'm ready to take orders.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Items for sale

Christmas is coming up soon! Yay!!! We love Christmas in my house.  This year I have decided to hand make all my gifts for my kids.  Santa will be bringing books & puzzzles and the such.  But who needs another barbie?!?!? Certainly not my girls.  We have tons of toys and do not need anymore - except for the cute dolls and amigurumi pets that I will be making for them.  But, those hand made gifts, that I will spend many sleepless hours crocheting, should mean a lot more than something off the shelf! I think that something that took time, energy, and love is worth way more than a flashy, plastic toy.

Keep an eye out this next week.  I will be adding a few more cute hats that will be for sale - a baby bear beanie, and an awesome,colorful earflap owl hat (Say that 5 times real fast!) So, check back! .

I love to Crochet

I started crocheting some time ago, and I love it! I am always thinking of my next project.  What is it going to be? How will it turn out? What colors will I use? Who will I give it to? Strangely, it often consumes my thoughts!  There have been many times when my Husband has to ask me to PUT IT DOWN so that I can concentrate on more important things.  I just get in the zone and sometimes it's hard to come out!

Something happened today that I never expected.  I took a little Hello Kitty hat, that I had just finished, with me to my weekly coffee break. We all sit around, drink coffee, eat goodies and a few of us crochet and knit.  It's been a wonderful time for me to socialize with my mommy friends and to indulge in a little adult conversation. (That is, as much as we can with 10 or more kids running around asking for goodies and drinks!) Anyway, I took this hat to show my friends my most recent project - my favorite one yet, and two of my friends asked me to make one for their daughters!  They even offered to pay me.  I then went home and  posted my most recent homemade creations to my facebook, and I had another friend ask me to make one for her daughter as well!  That's three orders in one day. Maybe I should get to crocheting!  I even promised my 3 little girls that they would get one as well!  This should keep me busy for awhile...


Monday, February 14, 2011

"They're selling popcorn outside, and it's free!!!!"

On Saturday, we celebrated both Emery and Lily's birthdays.  We celebrated Emery is turning 4 on the 15th and Lily turned 2 on the 9th.  It was so much fun.  My favorite quote of the day came out of the mouth of Karlie Protivinsky.  She said "Hey guys! They're selling popcorn outside, and its FREE!" 

It was definitely the best birthday party we have had, yet.  The weather was perfect, I think it nearly reached up to 70 degrees. I think everyone had a great time. My good friend Jen, Karlie's mom, came out with all 5 of her children.  You may be thinking, so...what? A lot of people have 5 children.  Well, she just had triplets about three months ago, Luke, Elijah and Abram. And, all three of them just recently came home, one at a time. I am so proud of her! I was so happy to see them all, healthy, cute and happy. 

The day even got better when my Kyla informed me that she wants a birthday party just like this for her next birthday! I guess mommy did good.  It was a circus theme with a clown, bounce house and popcorn. We had a lot of fun. Enjoy the pics of my growing girls! SNIFF,  SNIFF....